PC screen flickering after upgrading Norton on Windows computers

Download PC Resort Tool to chop-chop regain & fix Windows errors automatically

If you have upgraded your Norton security product to its latest version – perchance after upgrading your computer to Windows 11/10, and you find that your desktop or laptop computer screen flickers, past this base may helper you.

screen flickering after upgrading Norton

Computer cover flickering subsequently upgrading Norton

Norton has acknowledged this issue and free a kettle of fish to resolve this problem. The product you Crataegus laevigata hold installed could be Norton 360, Norton Internet Security, Norton AntiVirus, or any new Norton security ware.

Once you have downloaded the tool to your desktop, you will stimulate to boot your Windows computer in Safe mode with Networking. To coiffure this, Run msconfig > Boot tab. Check Safe boot and Electronic network, click Apply and restart your computer.

Once in Safe Mode, right-dog the Screen_Fix.exe file, and mouse click Run as administrator. The tool will run for a few seconds.

Now clear msconfig again and uncheck the Safe Mode check-boxes which you had early checked, and restart your computer.

Your Windows will not boot usually to the desktop.

This fix is predicted to resolve the issue.

You give the axe download the tool from norton.com.

If your problem is of a general nature, here are some tips that will supporte you fix the Computer display brightness flickering trouble.

If not, then update Graphics Drivers and project if that helps.

screen flickering after upgrading Norton

Anand Khanse is the Admin of TheWindowsClub.com, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Delight study the entire post & the comments prototypical, create a System Restore Point before making some changes to your system &adenosine monophosphate; be careful most some 3rd-party offers while installing freeware.


PC screen flickering after upgrading Norton on Windows computers

Source: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/computer-screen-flickering-after-upgrading-norton-in-windows-10

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